Having Fun with the Saratoga Film Academy (playing a bad guy).
Here we have the youtube video for "The Science Projec;t," a short film made by the fantastic students of the Saratoga Film Academy. In it, I play an abusive school principal who gets his comeuppance after he is caught destroying a student's science project.
The Saratoga Film Academy provides high school students a chance to make short films and learn about the business and it's creative process. I was happy for the opportunity to appear in this project and meet some of the great young film makers getting their first taste of what it's like making a reality of their creative visions. I was so impressed with the talent and the passion of the students, and am honored to have helped in a small way like you see here.
For community members like me performing in the students' films it's a great chance to play new characters and have new adventures. You'll see in the film I play a total jerk character. I mean, this guy is a real jerk. I had a great time doing it. I'll also be appearing in April in two more projects for the Academy, so I guess they liked me last time. Mazeltov.